What Does it Mean to Be Bulletproof?
Sep 11, 2022

What Does it Mean to Be Bulletproof?
I was recently on a podcast discussing the origin of Original Strength when the host asked me what it meant to be bulletproof. That was a really good question, and I’m not sure I have a complete answer, but I will try to lay it out here.
About ten years ago, I would have said it means to be like “Superman,” physically resilient. But today, being bulletproof is about so much more. For me, it’s a growing idea or want.
For example, while I do want to be physically resilient, I now place a very high value on being mentally resilient. The real battles in life are often waged in the mind. Being able to have peace in my own mind, being able to weather any mental storm, being able to squelch any self-attack before it started - that would be bulletproof. Most issues of the body aren’t issues until the mind makes them an issue. How great would it be to overcome physical limitations or injuries by approaching them with the carefree attitude of a child? I have often marveled at how an injured or sick child continues to play, laugh, and giggle with pure beams of light still beaming out of their eyes. They often don’t even know they are sick, and if they are injured, they often don’t even bother thinking about what they can’t do; they just do as they can with mental freedom. That is bulletproof. I want that.
Another example on the mental front would be having the ability to let go of all cares, concerns, worries, or fears. These are the things that can make your own mind a living hell. Concerns about what others think of you, worries about something that hasn’t happened yet it is fully alive and well in your imagination, fears of all the what if’s that time might bring or of all the good times that may never be again - it will drive you mad and weakens you. The ability to let fears go - that is bulletproof. I want that.
Or, in one last example, having the ability to truly be yourself, to be vulnerable without hiding behind the different selves you believe everyone thinks you should be in every different interaction and setting. To allow others to see you in your “weaknesses” yet in your strengths. To be able always to tell the truth, even when it would be easier and seemingly safer to lie. To bare yourself in such a way that it completely removes the defenses of others - that is bulletproof. I want that.
I guess being bulletproof means being free to live a life of authentic joy. A life that is free from fear, guilt, shame, expectations, shoulds, and coulds. Being bulletproof comes from a strength only found within a person. It’s not just “knowing thyself,” it’s knowing yourself and expressing yourself as you are known. It’s peace, gentleness, integrity, kindness, silence, compassion, and strength in action - not out of responsibility but out of desire. It’s being our pure, unfiltered, unmasked selves. That is bulletproof. I want that.
I’m just sharing this with you because, as I said, I found the host’s question to be a great question. The hope of becoming physically bulletproof ultimately led to Original Strength's creation. But, living in (practicing) Original Strength has led to the hope of becoming truly bulletproof: to navigate through this life to the best of our ability, holding nothing of ourselves back, burning as bright as we absolutely can while we are here. That is bulletproof. I want that.
Comments (4)
Sep 12, 2022 at 03:58 PM
Love this! What is the name of the podcast you were on?
Tim Anderson:
Sep 13, 2022 at 09:03 PM
Hey, it was the How to Build Health and Fitness for Busy Guys podcast. Here is the link, but the show has not been released yet:
John Keiffer:
Sep 12, 2022 at 06:34 PM
I always love where your head is at. Your ideas make so much sense. I want that too.
Tim Anderson:
Sep 13, 2022 at 09:03 PM
Thanks for the support, John! I’m just trying to navigate myself through an ever changing world and an ever changing mind.
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